Projet 42:
Sujet: Conteneuriser un serveur wordpress à l'aide de docker, alpine/debian, nginx et mariadb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
if [ ! -f "public/index.html" ]; then
hexo init && npm install
git clone themes/Academia
npm install hexo-renderer-pug hexo-renderer-stylus --save
cp /tmp/hexo_config.yml _config.yml
cp /tmp/narnaud.jpg themes/Academia/source/img/narnaud.jpg
hexo n post "README"
sed -i "5i academia: true" source/_posts/
cat /tmp/ >> source/_posts/
cd themes/Academia
cp /tmp/academia_config.yml _config.yml
sed -i "/Blog: .*/c\ Wordpress: https:\/\/$DOMAIN\/wordpress" _config.yml
sed -i "/Gitea: .*/c\ Gitea: https:\/\/$DOMAIN\/git" _config.yml
sed -i "/Adminer: .*/c\ Adminer: https:\/\/$DOMAIN\/adminer.php" _config.yml
hexo generate