# Inception ## Subject: ### Mandatory: Contenairize a web server which will host wordpresss localy with docker on alpine/debian base. Server must be nginx and database mariadb. All services must be on their own containers ### Bonus: Handle wordpress cache with redis, add adminer, add an ftp server and another service of your choice (gitea) ## Instructions: ### Setup it: Create a `.env` file in `srcs` folder with settings you want. e.g: ``` DOMAIN=narnaud.42.fr #DOMAIN=localhost WP_TITLE=Inception WP_ADMIN_USR=theboss WP_ADMIN_PWD= *** WP_ADMIN_EMAIL=theboss@mail.com WP_USR=narnaud WP_PWD= *** WP_EMAIL=narnaud@student.42nice.fr MYSQL_ROOT_PWD= *** WP_DATABASE_NAME=wordpressdb WP_DATABASE_USR=wordpress WP_DATABASE_PWD= *** GITEA_DATABASE_NAME=giteadb GITEA_DATABASE_USR=gitea GITEA_DATABASE_PWD= *** GITEA_ADMIN_USR=theboss GITEA_ADMIN_PWD= *** GITEA_ADMIN_MAIL=theboss@mail.com FTP_USR=ftpuser FTP_PWD= ** ``` ### Start it: If you want to use a custom domain as local host, modify the Makefile DOMAIN variable and `make domain`. To custom static page content, just edit `srcs/bonus/hexo/*_conf.yml` files with what you what to use before build. `make` to build and start. `make clean` to cleanup unused datas. `make fclean` to wipe all. `sudo make wipe` to wipe all servers datas. ### Use it: For acces to homepage, visit `localhost` or your domain url (`DOMAIN_URL`) from your browser. You can access all services except ftp server from the homepage. To access ftp, connect using ftp://FTP_USER@localhost:21 and the FTP_PWD with your favourite ftp client. ### Static publishing: To publish some content to the static homepage: - first create a new article file either from the `~/data/www/html/source/_post` or using the hexo container command `hexo n post TITLE`. You can access hexo container cli using `docker compose run hexo sh` command. - Once you have fullfilled the new file with the content you want, you can either `hexo generate` if you still in the container cli or just launch the container without custom parameters.