# Inception Projet 42: Sujet: Conteneuriser un serveur web qui hebergera wordpress localement à l'aide de docker, alpine/debian, nginx et mariadb ## Todo: - use variables folders name for volumes and domain - add a bonus - add a ftp server ## Instructions: ### Setup it: Create a `.env` file in `srcs` folder whith this content and fullfill empty variables. ``` MYSQL_HOST=mariadb MYSQL_ROOT_PWD= WP_DATABASE_NAME=wordpress WP_DATABASE_USR=maria WP_DATABASE_PWD= WP_URL=localhost/wordpress WP_TITLE=Inception WP_ADMIN_USR=admin WP_ADMIN_PWD= WP_ADMIN_EMAIL= WP_USR= WP_PWD= WP_EMAIL= ``` ### Start it: If you want to use a custom domain as local host, modify the Makefile HOST variable and `make domain`. To custom static page content, just edit `srcs/bonus/hexo/*_conf.yml` files with what you what to use before build. To build and start, `make` into git root. ### Use it: For acces to homepage, visit `localhost` or your domain url (`DOMAIN_URL`) from your browser. For acces to wordpress, click on blog in homepage or acces `DOMAIN_URL/wordpress`. For acces to adminer, acces `DOMAIN_URL/wordpress/adminer.php`