@ -1,38 +1,27 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE, GAME_EVENTS } from "./constants"; |
import type { GameCreationDto } from "./dtos/GameCreationDto"; |
import { GAME_EVENTS } from "./constants"; |
import { Game } from "./Game"; |
import MapCustomization from "./MapCustomization.svelte"; |
import { formatWebsocketData } from "./utils"; |
import { Map } from "./Map"; |
import { onMount } from "svelte"; |
import GameCreation from "./GameCreation.svelte"; |
import GameComponent from "./GameComponent.svelte"; |
import type { StringDto } from "./dtos/StringDto"; |
import SpectateFriend from "./SpectateFriend.svelte"; |
import Matchmaking from "./Matchmaking.svelte"; |
import type { MatchmakingDto } from "./dtos/MatchmakingDto"; |
const FPS = import.meta.env.VITE_FRONT_FPS; |
const SERVER_URL = `ws://${import.meta.env.VITE_HOST}:${ |
import.meta.env.VITE_BACK_PORT |
}`; |
let createMatchWindow: boolean = false; |
let spectateWindow: boolean = false; |
let gamePlaying: boolean = false; |
let matchmaking: boolean = false; |
let gameCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement; |
let connected: boolean = false; |
let loggedIn: boolean = false; |
let socket: WebSocket; |
let username: string = "John"; |
let otherUsername: string = "Garfield"; |
let spectateUsername: string = "Garfield"; |
let map: Map = new Map(DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE.clone(), []); |
//Get canvas and its context |
onMount(() => { |
if (gameCanvas) { |
const context: CanvasRenderingContext2D = gameCanvas.getContext( |
"2d" |
) as CanvasRenderingContext2D; |
if (context) { |
setupSocket(gameCanvas, context); |
} |
} |
}); |
function setupSocket( |
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, |
@ -51,20 +40,29 @@ |
game.update(data); |
} else if (event == GAME_EVENTS.GET_GAME_INFO) { |
if (data && data.gameId != game.id) { |
game.setInfo(data); |
setInterval(() => { |
game.draw(); |
}, 1000 / FPS); |
console.log("Game updated!"); |
if (data.yourPaddleIndex !== -2) { |
gamePlaying = true; |
game.setInfo(data); |
} else gamePlaying = false; |
} |
} else if (event == GAME_EVENTS.REGISTER_PLAYER) { |
console.log("Registered player: " + data.value); |
if (data.value == username) { |
loggedIn = true; |
setInterval(() => { |
updateGameInfo(); |
}, 1000); |
} |
} else if (event == GAME_EVENTS.CREATE_GAME) { |
if (data) gamePlaying = true; |
} else if (event == GAME_EVENTS.MATCHMAKING) { |
matchmaking = data.matchmaking; |
} else if (event == GAME_EVENTS.SPECTATE) { |
if (data) { |
gamePlaying = true; |
setInterval(() => { |
updateGameInfo(); |
}, 1000); |
} |
} else { |
console.log( |
"Unknown event from server: " + event + " with data " + data |
@ -84,54 +82,84 @@ |
socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.GET_GAME_INFO)); |
} |
function spectate() { |
const data: StringDto = { value: spectateUsername }; |
socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.SPECTATE, data)); |
} |
function logIn() { |
const data: StringDto = { value: username }; |
socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.REGISTER_PLAYER, data)); |
} |
function createGame() { |
const data: GameCreationDto = { |
playerNames: [username, otherUsername], |
map, |
}; |
socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.CREATE_GAME, data)); |
function startMatchmaking() { |
const data: MatchmakingDto = { matchmaking: true }; |
socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.MATCHMAKING, data)); |
} |
function stopMatchmaking() { |
const data: MatchmakingDto = { matchmaking: false }; |
socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.MATCHMAKING, data)); |
} |
</script> |
<div> |
<div> |
{#if connected} |
Your name: |
<input bind:value={username} /> |
<br /> |
<button on:click={logIn}> Log in </button> |
<br /> |
Other player name: |
<input bind:value={otherUsername} disabled={!loggedIn} /> |
<br /> |
<button on:click={createGame} disabled={!loggedIn}> |
Create game vs {otherUsername} |
</button> |
<br /> |
<button |
on:click={() => socket.send(formatWebsocketData(GAME_EVENTS.READY))} |
disabled={!loggedIn}>Ready</button |
> |
<br /> |
<input bind:value={spectateUsername} disabled={!loggedIn} /> |
<button on:click={spectate} disabled={!loggedIn} |
>Spectate {spectateUsername}</button |
> |
<br /> |
{:else} |
Connecting to game server... |
{/if} |
<canvas bind:this={gameCanvas} /> |
{#if !loggedIn} |
Log in: |
<input bind:value={username} /> |
<button on:click={logIn} disabled={!connected}> Log in </button> |
<br /> |
{/if} |
<div hidden={!loggedIn}> |
<main> |
<GameComponent {gameCanvas} {gamePlaying} {setupSocket} {socket} /> |
{#if gamePlaying} |
<div /> |
{:else if connected} |
<h1>Choose a gamemode</h1> |
<button on:click={startMatchmaking}>Matchmaking</button> |
<button on:click={() => (createMatchWindow = true)} |
>Play with a friend</button |
> |
<button on:click={() => (spectateWindow = true)} |
>Spectate a friend</button |
> |
{#if matchmaking} |
<div on:click={stopMatchmaking} on:keydown={stopMatchmaking}> |
<Matchmaking {stopMatchmaking} /> |
</div> |
{:else if createMatchWindow} |
<div |
on:click={() => (createMatchWindow = false)} |
on:keydown={() => (createMatchWindow = false)} |
> |
<GameCreation {socket} {username} /> |
</div> |
{:else if spectateWindow} |
<div |
on:click={() => (spectateWindow = false)} |
on:keydown={() => (spectateWindow = false)} |
> |
<SpectateFriend {socket} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
{:else} |
Connecting to game server... |
{/if} |
</main> |
</div> |
<MapCustomization {map} /> |
</div> |
<style> |
main { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
align-items: center; |
} |
h1 { |
margin-bottom: 2rem; |
} |
button { |
font-size: 1.5rem; |
padding: 1rem 2rem; |
margin-bottom: 1rem; |
} |
</style> |