3.9 KiB
If you not use rootless docker, either rename Makesudo as Makefile or call make
with -f Makesudo
- prod: build and lauch client and server on builded resources.
- dev: launch client and server without build using nest and vite.
- check: format and lint back and check front.
- debug: launch back with debug flags.
rename .env_sample to .env and customize it to your needs and credentials.
Back endpoints:
|Method|endpoint|description|account securised?| |:---:|:---:|:---:| |GET |/log/in |the login using 42 api.|☑| |GET |/log/inReturn |the 42 api callback.|☑| |GET |/log/profile |get connected user 42's datas.|☑| |GET |/log/out |log out user.|☑| |GET |/all |return all users publics datas.|☒| |GET |/online |return all online users's public datas.|☒| |GET |/:id |return ftId: id's public datas|☒| |GET |/ |return connected user public datas|☑| |POST|/ |update user datas.|☑| |GET |/friends |return users which are friends.|☑| |GET |/invits |return users which invited user to be friend.|☑| |POST|/invit/:id |invit user whith ftId: id as friend.|☑| |GET |/avatar |return the user avatar|☒| |POST|/avatar |set a user avatar with multipart post upload.|☑|
- @nestjs/cli
- @nestjs/common
- @nestjs/core
- @nestjs/platform-express
- @nestjs/platform-ws
- @nestjs/schematics
- @nestjs/testing
- @nestjs/websockets
- @types/express
- @types/jest
- @types/node
- @types/supertest
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- jest
- prettier
- reflect-metadata
- rimraf
- rxjs
- source-map-support
- supertest
- ts-jest
- ts-loader
- ts-node
- tsconfig-paths
- typescript
- ws