You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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code style: prettierjs-standard-style


If you not use rootless docker, either rename Makesudo as Makefile or call make with -f Makesudo.


  • prod: build and lauch client and server on builded resources.
  • dev: launch client and server without build using nest and vite.
  • check: format and lint back and check front.
  • debug: launch back with debug flags.


rename .env_sample to .env and customize it to your needs and credentials.

Back endpoints:

Method endpoint description
GET /log/in the login using 42 api.
GET /log/inReturn the 42 api callback.
GET /log/profile get user 42's datas.
GET /log/out log out user.
GET / return user datas.
POST / update user datas.
GET /friends return users which are friends.
GET /invits return users which invited user to be friend.
POST /invit/:id invit user whith ftId: id as friend.
GET /avatar return the user avatar
POST /avatar set a user avatar with multipart post upload.


