Browse Source

fixed choose_route

nicolas-arnaud 2 years ago
  1. 22
  2. 24
  3. 32
  4. 1
  5. 40


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "webserv.hpp"
* Environment destructor:
* The destructor call all servers and sockets destructors.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Env::~Env() {
* Environment constructor:
* Input: The JSONParser output
@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ Env::Env(JSONNode *conf) {
delete conf;
* One server cycle
* - append sockets to listen to select list
* - select them
* - refresh and handle requests
void Env::cycle(void) {
@ -52,19 +58,19 @@ void Env::cycle(void) {
cout << "==> Handle requests and answers:\n";
* Append each master_sockets and their clients to list of fds SELECT must look
* at.
void Env::set_fds(void) {
for (std::vector< Master * >::iterator it = _masters.begin();
it < _masters.end(); it++)
it < _masters.end(); it++) {
if (*it)
* Refresh all master_sockets and their clients datas (disconnect, new
* connection, etc..) and parse requests recieved.


@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
#include "webserv.hpp"
/* |==========|
* Route constructor:
* A route is a class which is used with each request to know how to handle uri
* requested They are defined with conf file from locations block for raw routes
* and from servers blocks for Server class which herite from Route
* Input: The Server parent for locations blocks, the uri which lead to the
* route and the JSON node giving conf datas
* Output: A Route object
Route::Route(Server *server, string location, JSONNode *datas)
: _server(server), _location(location) {
@ -30,12 +40,20 @@ Route::Route(Server *server, string location, JSONNode *datas)
/* Route destructor */
Route::~Route(void) {}
/* Getters ... */
string Route::getLocation(void) { return _location; }
string Route::getRoot(void) { return _root; }
string Route::getReturn(void) { return _ret; }
/* |==========|
* Find either an autoindex or an index into the directory required by request
* Input: The uri client asked, the real local path to the directory
* Output: The file or the autoindex page to display
string Route::getIndex(string uri, string path) {
std::stringstream content;
@ -73,6 +91,12 @@ string Route::getIndex(string uri, string path) {
ret << "\r\n" << content.str();
return ret.str();
/* |==========|
* Correct the uri the client asked
* Input: The uri
* Output: The local path corresponding to that uri in the route
string Route::correctUri(string uri) {
std::stringstream ret;


@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include "webserv.hpp"
* Server destructor:
* delete all routes owned by the server;
@ -12,8 +11,7 @@ Server::~Server(void) {
delete (*it).second;
cout << "Server destroyed!\n";
* Server constructor:
* Input: A server block node given by JSONParser.
@ -21,6 +19,7 @@ Server::~Server(void) {
* Route. The Route constructor scrap the routing informations (index, root,
* autoindex ...) and the Server one the others ones (server_name, sub-routes)
Server::Server(JSONNode *server) : Route(NULL, "/", server) {
JSONObject datas = server->obj();
if (datas["server_name"])
@ -36,7 +35,14 @@ Server::Server(JSONNode *server) : Route(NULL, "/", server) {
/* Get the server name (_server_name)*/
string Server::getName(void) { return _name; }
/* |==========|
* Safely create a master socket:
* Input: a "ip:port" string
* Output: a Master socket or NULL if creation failed
Master *Server::create_master(string str) {
listen_t listen = get_listen_t(str);
@ -44,16 +50,15 @@ Master *Server::create_master(string str) {
cout << "Listen: IPv6 isn't supported\n";
try {
Master *sock = new Master(listen);
Master *sock = new Master(listen);
return (sock);
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
return NULL;
* Create server's defined sockets:
* Input: A server block node from JSONParser.
@ -65,24 +70,26 @@ std::vector< Master * > Server::get_sockets(JSONNode *server) {
JSONObject datas = server->obj();
std::vector< Master * > ret;
listen_t listen;
Master *tmp;
if (datas["listens"]) {
JSONList listens = datas["listens"]->lst();
for (JSONList::iterator it = listens.begin(); it != listens.end();
it++) {
if ((tmp = create_master((*it)->str())))
} else
} else if ((tmp = create_master("")))
return ret;
* Choose the route an uri asked to the server must lead to.
* Intput: The uri asked by the client to the server.
* Output: The route object choosen or the server itself if no location block is
* adapted.
Route *Server::choose_route(string uri) {
std::vector< string > req = split(uri, '/');
std::vector< string > root;
@ -90,7 +97,6 @@ Route *Server::choose_route(string uri) {
rit != _routes.end(); rit++) {
root = split((*rit).first, '/');
std::vector< string >::iterator root_it = root.begin();
for (std::vector< string >::iterator it = req.begin(); it < req.end();
it++) {
if (*it == "")


@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ bool Client::parseHeader() {
for (std::vector< string >::iterator it = lines.begin() + 1;
it < lines.end(); it++) {
line = split(*it, ' ');
cout << << "scraped from header\n";
_request[] =
std::vector< string >(line.begin() + 1, line.end());


@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
#include "webserv.hpp"
/* Master destructor */
Master::~Master(void) {
cout << "Destroyed master socket\n";
/* |==========|
* Master constructor
* Try to create a socket listening to ip and port defined by input.
* If the creation success, the socket is then ready to select for new clients.
* Input: A listen_t structure which contain the ip and the port the master care
* about.
* Output: A Master object.
Master::Master(listen_t list) : _listen(list) {
int opt = 1;
@ -34,6 +44,7 @@ Master::Master(listen_t list) : _listen(list) {
_min_fd = _fd;
/* Set into static Master::readfds the active fds which will be select.*/
void Master::set_fds(void) {
FD_SET(_fd, &_readfds);
@ -47,6 +58,12 @@ void Master::set_fds(void) {
_max_fd = child_fd;
/* |==========|
* Refresh master socket datas after select()
* - look first for new clients
* - look then if known clients sent requests or disconnected
* - if client sent request, handle it to generate answer adapted
void Master::refresh(Env *env) {
int valread;
@ -88,11 +105,8 @@ Server *Master::choose_server(Env *env, string host) {
std::vector< Server * > inrange;
std::vector< string > ip_listen;
std::vector< string > ip_required;
// string ip = inet_ntoa(sock->_address.sin_addr);
// int port = ntohs(sock->_address.sin_port);
// cout << "Which server for " << ip << ":" << port << "?\n";
cout << "Socket: " << _listen.ip << ":" << _listen.port << "\n";
cout << "Requested: " << _listen.ip << ":" << _listen.port << "\n";
ip_required = split(_listen.ip, '.');
for (std::vector< Server * >::iterator sit = env->_servers.begin();
sit < env->_servers.end(); sit++) {
@ -110,8 +124,8 @@ Server *Master::choose_server(Env *env, string host) {
bool is_inrange = true;
ip_listen = split((*it).ip, '.');
std::vector< string >::iterator r = ip_required.begin();
for (std::vector< string >::iterator l = ip_listen.begin();
l < ip_listen.end(); l++) {
for (std::vector< string >::iterator l = ip_listen.end();
l >= ip_listen.begin(); --l) {
if (*l != *r && *l != "0")
is_inrange = false;
@ -120,12 +134,22 @@ Server *Master::choose_server(Env *env, string host) {
if (exact.size() == 0) {
cout << "Inrange: ";
for (std::vector< Server * >::iterator sit = inrange.begin();
sit < inrange.end(); sit++) {
if (host == (*sit)->getName())
cout << "- " << (*sit)->getName() << "\n";
if (host == ((*sit)->getName() + "\r"))
return *sit;
return inrange.front();
} else
} else {
cout << "Exact: \n";
for (std::vector< Server * >::iterator sit = exact.begin();
sit < exact.end(); sit++) {
cout << "- " << (*sit)->getName() << "\n";
if (host == ((*sit)->getName() + "\r"))
return *sit;
return exact.front();
