#include "webserv.hpp" fd_set Master::_readfds; int Master::_max_fd; int Master::_min_fd = INT_MAX; int Master::_amount = 0; int main(int ac, char **av) { if (ac != 2) { cout << "Usage:\n./webserv CONF.json\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } std::ifstream file(av[1]); if (!file.good()) { cout << "Error: " << av[1] << " is not a valid file\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } cout << "Parsing configuration file from JSON conf file.\n"; cout << "You must be sure the syntax is correct\n"; JSONParser parser(av[1]); JSONNode *conf = parser.parse(); cout << "Initialization of server...\n"; Env env(conf); while (1) env.cycle(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }