Projet de l'école 42 : Libft
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3 years ago
# Libft
3 years ago
42 school project.
## Available functions :
### Characters check [is]:
| Function | Description | Optimized |
| ft_isalpha | is it a letter ? | [ ] |
| ft_isdigit | is it a a digit ? | [ ] |
| ft_isalnum | is it a a letter or digit ? | [ ] |
| ft_isascii | is it a an ascii ? | [ ] |
| ft_isprint | is it printable ? | [ ] |
| ft_isspace | is it a space character ? | [ ] |
| ft_isupper | is it an uppercase ? | [ ] |
| ft_islower | is it a lowercase ? | [ ] |
### Conversions [conv]:
| Function | Description | Optimized |
| ft_atoi | Convert a string to an integer | [ ] |
| ft_itoa | Convert an integer to a string | [ ] |
| ft_utoa | Convert an unsigned to a string | [ ] |
| ft_itox | Convert an intger to his hexa string | [ ] |
| ft_toupper | Convert a letter to upper | [ ] |
| ft_tolower | Convert a letter to lower | [ ] |
### Strings manipulation [str]:
| Function | Description | Optimized |
| ft_split | Slit a spring by separator | [ ] |
| ft_strchr | Search for a char into string | [ ] |
| ft_strdup | Duplicate a string | [ ] |
| ft_striteri | Iterate function on a string pointers | [ ] |
| ft_strjoin | Join two strings | [ ] |
| ft_strlcat | Concat substr to another | [ ] |
| ft_strlcpy | Copy a n char of a string in another | [ ] |
| ft_strlen | Get length of a string | [ ] |
| ft_strmapi | Get returns of function on a string chars. | [ ] |
| ft_strncmp | Compare two strings | [ ] |
| ft_strnstr | Search a string into another | [ ] |
| ft_strrchr | Reverse search a char in a string | [ ] |
| ft_strrev | Reverse a string | [ ] |
| ft_strtrim | Trim a string using charsset | [ ] |
| ft_substr | Return a copy of a sub string | [ ] |
### Numbers manipulation [nbr]:
| Function | Description | Optimized |
| ft_nbrlen | Get the number length | [ ] |
### Memory manipulation [mem]:
| Function | Description | Optimized |
| ft_bzero | | [ ] |
| ft_calloc | | [ ] |
| ft_memchr | | [ ] |
| ft_memcmp | | [ ] |
| ft_memcpy | | [ ] |
| ft_memmove | | [ ] |
| ft_memset | | [ ] |
### Display [put]:
| Function | Description | Optimized |
| ft_putchar_fd | | [ ] |
| ft_putstr_fd | | [ ] |
| ft_putnbr_fd | | [ ] |
| ft_putendl | | [ ] |