/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* ::: :::::::: */
/* raycast.c :+: :+: :+: */
/* +:+ +:+ +:+ */
/* By: narnaud <narnaud@student.42.fr> +#+ +:+ +#+ */
/* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */
/* Created: 2022/08/23 09:27:55 by narnaud #+# #+# */
/* Updated: 2022/11/22 07:06:38 by narnaud ### ########.fr */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
#include "../../includes/cub3d.h"
void check_side(t_rc *rc)
if (rc->s_dist[0] > rc->s_dist[1])
rc->side = 1;
rc->side = 0;
void init_ray(t_env *env, t_rc *rc)
if (rc->vec.x == 0)
rc->d_dist[0] = 1e30;
rc->d_dist[0] = fabs(1 / rc->vec.x);
if (rc->vec.y == 0)
rc->d_dist[1] = 1e30;
rc->d_dist[1] = fabs(1 / rc->vec.y);
if (rc->vec.x < 0 && --rc->step[0])
rc->s_dist[0] = (env->player_pos.x - rc->cell[0]) * rc->d_dist[0];
else if (++rc->step[0])
rc->s_dist[0] = (rc->cell[0] + 1.0 - env->player_pos.x) * rc->d_dist[0];
if (rc->vec.y < 0 && --rc->step[1])
rc->s_dist[1] = (env->player_pos.y - rc->cell[1]) * rc->d_dist[1];
else if (++rc->step[1])
rc->s_dist[1] = (rc->cell[1] + 1.0 - env->player_pos.y) * rc->d_dist[1];
/* Let the ray go to the next cell he will encounter and check if it is a wall.
* - First check the closer side to look for (x direction or y). That's is
* given by the lower side distance,
* - Progress to next closer cell so,
* - If the cell is not a floor:
* - if it's a wall, set the texture corresponding and return true,
* - if it's a door, verify that the wall must be draw and set
* texture and return accordingly.
* - else continue.
int ray_hit(t_env *env, t_rc *rc)
rc->cell[rc->side] += rc->step[rc->side];
if (env->map[rc->cell[1]][rc->cell[0]] > '0')
if (env->map[rc->cell[1]][rc->cell[0]] == '1')
rc->tex = 3 - rc->side * 2 - (rc->step[rc->side] + 1) / 2;
else if (env->map[rc->cell[1]][rc->cell[0]] == '2' && rc->tex != 4)
rc->tex = 4;
return (0);
if (!rc->side)
rc->wall_x = env->player_pos.y + rc->s_dist[rc->side] * rc->vec.y;
rc->wall_x = env->player_pos.x + rc->s_dist[rc->side] * rc->vec.x;
rc->wall_x -= floor(rc->wall_x);
if (rc->tex != 4 || 2 * rc->wall_x - dvec_len((t_dvec){\
rc->cell[0] - env->player_pos.x, \
rc->cell[1] - env->player_pos.y}) < -2)
return (1);
rc->tex = 0;
return (0);